Connie LaMotta's Fundraiser

Thank you family and friends
This was my apartment at Pine Lodge
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
UPDATE #3 - Your generosity continues to warm my heart. Your gift will be doubled with a matching grant. We need a few more people who are able to donate help us reach our $300,000 goal.
Today a friend handed me a check for $5000 to give to the Fellowship Community for this campaign. This remarkable generosity and your thoughtful gifts have brought me to beyond my fundraising goal of $1750. I now dare to change my goal to $7500 because the $300,000 goal to renovate classrooms as studio apartments has not yet been reached. I am grateful if you would continue to pass this need along to you network so those in need will get into their permanent housing.
Thank you is too small and expression, but it is all the words I have to express my gratitude!
All will be well,
With the incredible generosity of each of you, my family and friends, I have reached my goal of $1500 and have gone beyond it. I'm changing my goal to $1750 because, while I've reached my goal, the $300,000 goal to renovate classrooms as studio apartments has not yet been reached. I would be so grateful if you would pass this along to your network so the day will come soon when I'll be in permanent housing.
I really appreciate all of your generosity!
Dear Friends,
As many of you know, I live at the Fellowship Community and was living in Pine Lodge when it was totally destroyed by an unfortunate, accidental fire a few weeks ago. We watched in shock as the fire destroyed the home and belongings of all 13 of us who lived there - in age range from early 70's to mid 90's.
I have loved every moment of living in this community, and since that shocking day, the community has made every effort to make sure I had temporary housing and basic needs met. My church community at Presentation stepped forward to provide furniture and housewares for all 13 of us who lost everything on that sad day. I have the deepest gratitude and appreciation for the hundreds of you, my dear family and friends, who made every effort to help.
It's difficult to come back to ask for your fundraising support again but I must. I have moved into three temporary housing situations in the past few months. I'm grateful for it - but it has been challenging. I will be moving into a renovated classroom once we reach this fundraising goal to pay for this new, unexpected expense.
The Rebuild Pine Lodge campaign has an initial goal of raising $300,000 by August 31st. This will allow the community to begin the classroom renovations and to support those who of us who have lost all of our belongs. I will be a direct beneficiary of this effort. I'm committing to personally raise $1,500 to help reach this goal.
I believe deeply that our main purpose in life is to serve each other and to serve the larger, human community. The Fellowship provides a wonderful setting that allows this kind of giving to be possible for all, and being part of this community is deeply rewarding.
I've kicked off my campaign with a personal donation of $50. Will you join me in supporting this effort of helping me and others who have been displaced from our homes at the Fellowship Community? (This includes my son, Peter Heatley, who lived at Pine Lodge and is a coworker at the community.)
Small amounts add up and make a difference. Thank you to all of those who have already donated and helped me reach my goal. If you are unable to give at this time, please share this page with your family and friends, and ask them to help out if they can.
Thank you for your love and Support!
PS: The Fellowship Community is a wonderful and unique place -a 501(c)(3) non-profit, whose goal is to provide human-centered, personal care for elders during all phases of retirement, from independent living, to hands-on care, all the way through end of life. You can learn more about the Fellowship at https://www.fellowshipcommunity.org