Judith Brockway's Fundraiser
Help provide housing for those displaced by fire
Make a difference, please join me and give today.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Dear Family and Friends,
Most of you are aware that I have lived and worked at the Fellowship Community for many years. The Fellowship is an intergenerational community that cares for the older individual through aging, illness and death. We also farm biodynamically and have the only cows (milked every day) in Rockland County. If you would like to know more about us you can visit our website at https://www.fellowshipcommunity.org/
On May 31st, Whitsun Sunday a fire broke out in the building we called Pine Lodge. The winds were blowing wildly and the flames quickly spread. All of those living in the building got out safely and no one was hurt, physically. For this we are grateful. However, the 13 people who lived there lost everything.
For some a few treasures were salvaged after the fire was out and it was safe to look into the building. But some lost everything! For those who have never experienced losing everything we really can’t imagine what that means.
Co-workers at the Fellowship quickly got into action and before long there was water and snacks offered to the firemen (so, so many), and arrangements were being made to house those who no longer had their living space to return to. Everyone had a warm bed to sleep in.
It turns out that the person who stayed overnight in my apartment that first night has remained my house-mate. That is working out well for both of us. Others had to wait until it was clear where they could stay and to replace furniture, kitchen needs, clothing and all else that it take to set up a home. It has been an emotional time. However, so many offered so much in a very short time! We designated a small building for drop-offs and it was full within two days and continued to be until most had what they needed to set up house again. This response was deeply moving. There are many stories to tell about this. Some of them are on the website.
So, my letter to you is to ask for a donation. You can see that my goal is to reach $3,000 to help create spaces for those in temporary housing. I have offered a beginning amount and some of my family has already contributed.
You may also have contributed so thank you for that. Whatever you can give I will appreciate!
Thank you so much for considering this.
Warm greetings,
Judith Brockway Aventuro